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  Kurayoshi City is a castle town and white-walled group of red stone shingles named "Shirakabe Dozogun" remains. # Travel Information of Tottori . Please click translation function on the upper right side of the screen.   鳥取の倉吉には白壁の土蔵が続く街並 ...

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  Tottori Sand Dunes is the miraculous formative beauty created by nature over 100,000 years # Travel Information of Tottori. Please click translation function on the upper right side of the screen.   鳥取砂丘 一度、鳥取砂丘でラクダに乗ってみたいという母の願いを叶えるためにやっ ...

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  Tottori is the least populous prefecture in Japan, but Tottori is home to the Tottori Sand Dunes, Japan’s large dune. # Travel Journal in Tottori for 1 night. Please click translation function on the upper right side of this screen.   母が鳥 ...